
Client Policies

Client Rights & Responsibilities


Lanark County Mental Health (LCMH) is committed to providing high-quality services to all participants, promoting dignity, respect, and individual empowerment throughout their recovery journey. This policy outlines the rights and responsibilities of clients accessing LCMH programs and services.

Section 1: Client Rights

1. Right to be Treated with Respect:

  • Clients will be treated with respect and without judgment, acknowledging their individuality and humanity.
  • Confidentiality of personal information will be maintained, except in cases of risk to individual safety or others.
  • LCMH will respect the individual needs, wishes, values, beliefs, dignity, independence, and experiences of clients during their recovery journey.

2. Right to a Safe and Welcoming Space:

  • Clients have the right to receive supports in a safe, welcoming, and secure environment.
  • Services provided by LCMH will focus on support, healing, and recovery.
  • Clients may choose to have a third-party present during any or all appointments.

3. Right to Dignity & Independence:

  • Clients are encouraged to provide information about their individual needs, goals, and preferences to support their wellness and recovery.
  • Clients may access confidential, outside support when desired, including counseling, rights advice, advocacy, legal counsel, and other community resources.
  • Clients have the right to fully participate in all decisions relating to their treatment, except in accordance with a court order.

4. Right to Quality Services:

  • Clients have the right to receive quality services that comply with all legal, professional, and ethical standards.
  • Services provided by LCMH will be accessible to all individuals who require them.
  • LCMH will encourage collaboration among all involved service providers to ensure the best outcomes for clients.

5. Right to be Fully Informed:

  • Clients have the right to access current and accurate information about LCMH and/or their individualized treatment plans in a format that best meets their needs.
  • Clients have the right to provide informed consent or refuse services at any time, except in accordance with a court order.
  • Clients may access and review their personal health record, receive information, and make corrections as needed, consistent with LCMH privacy policies and the Personal Health Information Protection Act (PHIPA).

6. Right to Provide Feedback:

  • Clients are encouraged to provide feedback (positive or negative) on their service experience at any time, anonymously and through multiple accessible formats (phone, in person, on paper, or by email).
  • Clients have the right to escalate a complaint to external organizations as appropriate or applicable.
  • Clients may ask questions or voice concerns at any time during their treatment.

Section 2: Client Responsibilities

1. Respectful Conduct:

  • Clients are expected to treat LCMH staff and other clients with respect and courtesy.

2. Cooperation and Engagement:

  • Clients are encouraged to actively engage in their treatment and recovery process and cooperate with LCMH staff.

3. Honesty & Accuracy:

  • Clients are responsible for providing accurate and honest information to LCMH staff, especially regarding their needs and treatment progress.

4. Attendance and Timeliness:

  • Clients are responsible for attending scheduled appointments on time and notifying LCMH in advance if they are unable to attend.

5. Adherence to Treatment Plans:

  • Clients are responsible for adhering to agreed-upon treatment plans to the best of their abilities.

6. Respect for Confidentiality:

  • Clients are responsible for respecting the confidentiality of other clients and staff they may encounter at LCMH.

7. Feedback and Communication:

  • Clients are encouraged to provide feedback and communicate openly with LCMH staff regarding their experiences, concerns, and needs.

Section 3: Procedure for Addressing Grievances

1. Informal Resolution

  • Clients who have concerns or grievances may first attempt to address the issue informally with the staff member involved.

2. Formal Complaint Process:

  • If the concern is not resolved informally, clients may submit a formal complaint to the Manager of Mental Health Services or designate by completing this form.
  • The complaint will be investigated promptly and thoroughly, and clients will be provided with a response in a timely manner.

3. External Escalation:

  • If clients are not satisfied with the resolution provided by LCMH, they have the right to escalate the complaint to external organizations as appropriate.


Lanark County Mental Health is committed to upholding the rights and dignity of all clients accessing our services. We encourage open communication, feedback, and collaboration to ensure a supportive and empowering environment for every participant. Clients, in turn, are expected to fulfill their responsibilities in the treatment and recovery process to promote positive outcomes.

Records Requests


The Records Request Policy of Lanark County Mental Health (LCMH) outlines the procedures and guidelines for individuals seeking access to their personal health information in accordance with the Personal Health Information Protection Act, 2004 (PHIPA) of Ontario. This policy aims to uphold the privacy and confidentiality of personal health information while facilitating individuals' right to access their records.


The purpose of this policy is to:

  • Establish procedures for clients of Lanark County Mental Health to request access to their personal health information.
  • Ensure the timely and efficient handling of records requests.
  • Safeguard the privacy and security of personal health information during the records request process.
  • Define the roles and responsibilities of LCMH in managing records requests.


Personal Health Information (PHI):

  • PHI Refers to identifiable information about an individual's physical or mental health, including details related to healthcare services.

Records Request Process

1. Request for Access to Personal Health Information:

  • Clients of LCMH who wish to request access to their personal health information can do so by completing the Records Request Form.

2. Processing of Records Request:

  • The Privacy Officer will review the request for completeness and authenticity. If additional information is required to verify the client's identity, the Privacy Officer will contact the individual accordingly.
  • LCMH will respond to records requests within 30 days from the date of receiving a complete and valid request. If an extension of time is needed due to the complexity or volume of the records, the client will be informed of the extension and the reasons for it within the initial 30-day period.

3. Access to Personal Health Information:

  • If the request is approved, the client will be provided with access to their personal health information in a secure and confidential manner.
  • Access to the information may be granted through copies of the records, secure online access, or in-person review, depending on the client's preference and the format of the requested information.
  • LCMH reserves the right to redact or withhold certain information in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

4. Denial of Records Request:

  • If a records request is denied, the client will be provided with written notice explaining the reason for the denial and their right to appeal the decision.
  • The Privacy Officer will ensure that any denial of a records request is based on valid grounds permitted by PHIPA.

Privacy Officer Contact:

The designated Privacy Officer for Lanark County Mental Health is:

Melissa Kirk MSW RSW

179 Elmsley Street North, Unit 142

Smiths Falls, ON K7A 2H8


Policy Review

This Records Request Policy will be reviewed and updated as needed to ensure compliance with relevant legislation and best practices.


The Records Request Policy of Lanark County Mental Health is committed to respecting clients' right to access their personal health information while safeguarding the privacy and security of that information. By adhering to the procedures outlined in this policy, LCMH will handle records requests efficiently and in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

Abuse & Aggressive Behaviour


Lanark County Mental Health (LCMH) is committed to ensuring the safety, health, and well-being of all clients, staff, and visitors. We are dedicated to providing a safe, healthy, secure, and respectful environment that promotes recovery and supports the mental health journey of our clients. This policy outlines LCMH's stance on preventing violent, abusive, and aggressive behavior within our facilities and during interactions with our clients, staff, and visitors.

Policy Statement

LCMH is dedicated to creating an environment where violence, abuse, and aggressive behavior are not tolerated. We aim to foster a culture of respect, understanding, and empathy among clients, staff, and visitors to ensure the well-being and safety of everyone involved in our programs and services.


The objectives of this policy are:

  • To prevent and minimize incidents of violence, abuse, and aggressive behaviour within LCMH facilities and during interactions with clients, staff, and visitors.
  • To promote a safe and healthy environment that supports the recovery and mental well-being of all clients.
  • To provide appropriate training and resources to staff to effectively manage and de-escalate potentially aggressive situations.
  • To promptly address any incidents of violence, abuse, or aggressive behaviour and implement appropriate interventions and disciplinary actions as needed.


  • Clients, staff, and visitors are expected to treat each other with respect, dignity, and kindness at all times.
  • No form of violence, abuse, or aggressive behavior, including physical, verbal, or emotional, will be tolerated within LCMH facilities or during interactions related to our programs and services.
  • Clients, staff, and visitors are encouraged to report any incidents of violence, abuse, or aggressive behavior immediately to the appropriate personnel.
  • All LCMH staff members are expected to receive training in violence prevention, conflict resolution, and de-escalation techniques to ensure the safety of all parties involved.

Prevention Strategies

To maintain a safe environment, LCMH will implement the following prevention strategies:

  • Training: All staff will receive training on recognizing warning signs of potential aggressive behaviour, de-escalation techniques, and best practices for diffusing tense situations.
  • Risk Assessment: Staff members will assess and address potential risk factors during interactions with clients, taking into account individual triggers or stressors.
  • Communication: Effective communication strategies will be employed to ensure clear and respectful interactions between clients, staff, and visitors.
  • Policies and Procedures: LCMH will establish clear policies and procedures for responding to incidents of violence, abuse, or aggressive behaviour, including appropriate reporting mechanisms and follow-up actions.
  • Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive and non-judgmental environment can help prevent aggressive behaviour and encourage clients to share their concerns and emotions openly.

Incident Reporting & Response

To make a formal complaint to the Manager of Mental Health Services or designate please complete this form.

Policy Review

  • Incidents of violence, abuse, or aggressive behaviour should be reported immediately to the designated staff member or supervisor.
  • LCMH will conduct thorough investigations into reported incidents and take appropriate actions, which may include counselling, mediation, additional support, or disciplinary measures based on the severity and nature of the incident.
  • Clients who engage in violent, abusive, or aggressive behaviour may be subject to intervention plans or restrictions on certain services if necessary for the safety of others.


At Lanark County Mental Health, we prioritize the safety, well-being, and dignity of all individuals who access our services. By adhering to this policy, we aim to create a compassionate and respectful environment that supports the recovery and mental health journey of our clients while fostering a culture of non-violence and mutual respect among clients, staff, and visitors.

Client, Family and Caregiver Advisory Council - Terms of Reference


The Client, Family and Caregiver Advisory Council (CFAC) at Lanark County Mental Health is a collaborative partnership between clients, family members, caregivers, and healthcare providers. The primary purpose of the CFAC is to improve the quality and safety of mental health care and enhance the experience of clients, families, and caregivers. The CFAC aims to create a culture of open dialogue, mutual respect, and shared decision-making to ensure that mental health services are patient-centred and responsive to the needs and preferences of clients and their support networks.


The CFAC endeavours to achieve the following goals:

  • Provide a platform for clients, families, and caregivers to share their experiences and perspectives with healthcare providers.
  • Foster a culture of partnership and collaboration between clients, families, caregivers, and healthcare providers.
  • Promote patient- and family-centred care by incorporating the perspectives and experiences of clients and their support networks into mental health service planning and delivery.
  • Develop and implement meaningful projects that enhance the quality and safety of mental health care and improve the overall experience of clients, families, and caregivers.
  • Encourage a sense of shared responsibility and accountability among clients, families, caregivers, and healthcare providers in enhancing mental health services.


The CFAC will consist of a diverse group of individuals, including:

  • Clients who have received mental health services from Lanark County Mental Health.
  • Family members and caregivers of clients who have experienced mental health services.
  • Healthcare providers, including mental health clinicians and support staff.
  • Representatives from community organizations and advocacy groups.


The responsibilities of CFAC members will include, but are not limited to:

  • Participating in regular meetings to provide input and advice on mental health initiatives and projects.
  • Offering feedback on the client and family experience of mental health services.
  • Collaborating with healthcare providers to develop and implement projects that enhance the quality and safety of mental health care and improve the client and family experience.
  • Sharing best practices and success stories with the broader mental health community.
  • Providing input and advice on mental health policies and procedures that impact clients, families, and caregivers.
  • Participating in the evaluation of the effectiveness of mental health initiatives and projects.


The CFAC will convene regularly, and the frequency and format of meetings will be determined by the council members. Meetings will be designed to facilitate open and inclusive dialogue, allowing ample opportunities for clients, families, and caregivers to provide input and advice.


Decisions within the CFAC will be reached through consensus, aiming to involve all members in the decision-making process. In cases where consensus is not achievable, decisions will be made by a simple majority vote of council members.


Lanark County Mental Health will provide necessary support and resources to the CFAC to effectively fulfill its responsibilities. This includes administrative assistance, meeting facilities, and access to relevant mental health data and information.


All CFAC members will be required to sign a confidentiality agreement, ensuring that any information shared during meetings remains confidential and is used solely for the purpose of improving the quality and safety of mental health services.


The CFAC will periodically review and evaluate its own performance, providing recommendations for improvement. Lanark County Mental Health will also conduct regular evaluations to assess the effectiveness of the CFAC in meeting its objectives and implement necessary improvements.

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